Herne Hill Velodrome
Next Date: 31/03/2025 + 16 others
Herne Hill Velodrome
Next Date: 31/03/2025 + 16 others
Herne Hill Velodrome
Overview: Race Training sessions are the fourth step on our track riding pathway and are aimed at those riders who wish to race (or are already racing) and want to improve their skills, speed, strength, endurance, and tactical awareness. If you are new to racing / wish to race, please ensure you attend Intermediate sessions after your training accreditation, and speak to the coaches about participating in Race Training.
We highly recommend that anyone with a new racing accreditation participates in this session as much as possible before starting track racing. We tailor the session towards what’s coming up at Track League each week from April-September, so you’ll always be able to learn the tactics and top tips for the races coming up that week. Through the winter, this session focuses more on gaining the speed, endurance and strength needed to be successful in racing.
Session Details:
Age Group: This session is open to people over the age of 14.
Session Duration: 2 hours
Experience level: Training Accreditation required, plus experience in Intermediate Training sessions. We do not recommend this session if you have only just passed your training accreditation.
Which Group to pick?
A Group - For riders who typically race Track League in the As, or who finish in the top half of the Bs
B Group - For riders who typically race Track League, finishing in the bottom half of the Bs, or who race in the Cs
Important to know:
Cycling specific clothing is recommended at this session.
Gloves and helmets must be worn.
We recommend clipless foot retention for these sessions: you can bring your own pedals and pedal spanner if you require a hire bike: seasonal bike hire or hook hire is available for regulars.
Optional hire bikes are available and included in the cost.
Remember to bring water and a snack.
Check the weather! We run sessions throughout the winter, so please dress warmly and have waterproofs on hand.
Please arrive with enough time before the session start time to get a bike and get comfortable to ensure that the session can start promptly.
Meeting Point: Please wait outside the track fence on the grandstand seating: your coach will invite you to cross the track when they are ready.
We are situated at 104 Burbage Rd, London SE24 9HE. We’re a short walk (and even shorter cycle) from North Dulwich, Herne Hill or Tulse Hill overground stations and local bus routes can be found by clicking here. As you walk north-west along Burbage Rd (from the cross with Turney Rd) keep an eye out for some white curved walls, lovely wood panel gates and a small sign on your right-hand side.
We’ve a limited amount of free parking available on site but we encourage you to travel here by cycle or public transport where you can.
For more information about the recently updated traffic calming measures on Burbage Road click here or search ‘Dulwich Streetspace’. You can't access Burbage Road from the south (via the junction with Turney Road) on a weekday between 08:00-9:00 and 15:00-16:30. At those times you'll need to go via Half Moon Lane.